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Proposal Management

List Page



  1. You can add new proposal from here.
  2. All the follow-ups that need to be performed for that particular day will be visible here,
  3. You can be able to filter the proposals based on various criteria.
  4. The action buttons where you can perform various actions for a particular proposal.Like view,add follow up, download the proposal in pdf format & edit the proposal.

Add New Proposal



  1. You have to select for which module you want to create a proposal for.
  2. You have select one particular data for which you want to create the proposal.As all the data will be shown from the selected module.
  3. You can also enter the details of the client manually if its already not there in your lead,deal & client module.
  4. You can select the executive.
  5. You can select the different templates for the different proposal.Which can be added from the proposal settings page.
  6. You can enter Proposal subject.
  7. You can enter proposal Introduction message.Or you can also create a default message from proposal settings for every proposal.
  8. You can select the products for which you want to create a proposal.
  9. You can select multiple products at a time.
  10. You can edit or re enter the details about the product like tax, discount, HSN Code,description.
  11. You can enter notes to the proposal from here.
  12. You can add terms & conditions for the proposal from here.Or if you want to add a default proposal terms & conditions that can be done from the proposal settings.

Proposal Quick Actions

  1. You can edit the proposal.
  2. You can see the follow up update history of proposal.
  3. You can create a duplicate proposal.
  4. You can send the proposal directly to client over watsapp.
  5. You can delete the proposal.

Follow up update

  1. You can be able to add a follow-up for a proposal by clicking on the timer.
  2. You can change the stage of the proposal once you had a conversation or update regarding that proposal.
  3. You can put a future follow-up date and time if you need to set a follow-up for that proposal. A reminder will be shown, and the proposal will be displayed on the follow-up proposal page on that day of follow-up. If you don’t want to perform a follow-up, you can leave these fields blank.
  4. You can add a related comment with regard to the communication that happened with the proposed client in the comments section.

Default Proposal Settings



  1. You can add proposal prefix from here.
  2. Based on requirement you can add proposal number starts from.
  3. You can set the proposal due after/days.
  4. You can set default currency.
  5. You can you can select default discount type like, before tax or after tax.
  6. You can add watermark from here.
  7. If you have multiple company profiles in the CRM means you can set default company profile from here.
  8. You can set the header for PDF download.
  9. You can select layout for PDF download.
  10. You can select tax type for item-based or on overall.
  11. You can select discount in percentage or in discount value.
  12. You can enable item based discount.
  13. You can upload seal for proposal.
  14. You can upload signature for proposal.
  15. You can upload footer image.
  16. Based on requirements you can enable and disable the proposal settings, by using modifications tab.
  17. In default content settings tab, you can add default proposal subject, Introduction messages, thank you note and terms and conditions, so it will come as default content in the proposal add page.

Proposal Stages



  1. You can add new proposal stages.
  2. You can search by stage names.
  3. You can edit and update the existing proposal stages.
  4. You can new proposal stage name from add tab.
  5. You can set color for proposal stages, so it will show you in the proposal list.

Proposal Templates



  1. You can add new proposal templates and those will show you in proposal add page, from there you can select and apply any template.
  2. You search proposal template by using search option.
  3. You can also edit and make duplicate copy or also you can delete the proposal template by using action tab.
  4. You can add template name.
  5. You can create template for lead/client/deal/contacts modules.
  6. You can Add subject for proposal, introduction message and thank you note.
  7. Based on requirement modules, you can use short codes.