Sales Automation Process

5 ways to implement in an effective way

Receiving the lead in the CRM till the Closure of the lead to the Client

Multiple Stages & Statuses at various levels like lead, deal & client

Generate proposals and create various iterations of them with status and follow-up dates.

Reduce the maximum possible manual work and automate the recurring sales activities to increase accuracy & closure rate

Easy & Handy to Use

In the below video, you will get a detailed explanation of the top 5 benefits.

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Top 5 Features to Implement Effective Sales Automation in your Company

Implementing the CRM in your business will take less than 1 hour time but will provide you with 10X Growth in a short span of time.

Also, our system is straightforward and you can quickly implement the CRM and train your team at a much faster rate when compared with any other CRM.

Now, all these things are possible with the help of the sales automation process, and whenever you’re creating a lead deal or proposal, you can be able to set up, when is due date or a follow-up date.


This is really important because 75 percent of the sale happens because of effective and good follow-ups.


If a system is there, which will help you and guide you in making the follow-up a better way, then you have to opt for this. And since it reduces the maximum possible manual work, and you can be able to take things on an automated basis, you can use that time on doing some other productive activities for your business.


Now, this also does a lot of recurring sales activities so that you can be able to take care of this in a better way. I have shared a link to get started with the free trial of Solid Performers CRM.


Now, what you can do with Solid Performers CRM is, that you can be able to easily automate your business in a better way. And it’ll also guide you through a step-by-step procedure on how you have to do the setup till using the CRM in an effective way.


And as the topic says, if you plan to implement sales automation in your company with the help of Solid performers CRM you can be able to implement it in less than two to three days. Yes, I really mean it. And you can try over the trial to get more understanding of the same.

Got Some Basic idea about Solid Performers CRM?

Want to know more about Solid Performers CRM and how it will help you in your Business Growth?

Download the Free Worksheet to build your Sales Pipeline now

Building a Healthy Sales Pipeline needs a lot of effort and this worksheet will assist you in the best possible way on how to estimate the value of the pipeline.

Kindly fill out the form below and we will send the WorkSheet to your Email address